Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It Begins...

The weather is finally getting to a consistent temp that it's time to get out and start running (or in my case jogging) again. Luckily with our gym membership this winter, we haven't gotten TOO out of shape. Have you ever noticed how quickly you get out of shape?? I swear, one week of slacking (let alone a few months) and it's back to a turtles pace and an asthma attack - okay, not literally, but it sure feels like it sometimes - The sign-up's for Hobble Creek 1/2 marathon opens up on May 2nd (this Saturday) and Skyler and I are going to register again. I'm determined to beat my 2hr 11min time WITH OUT getting sick as a dog like before. Hopefully we can recruit some others to suffer, I mean, train along side with us :) Today was a perfect running-weather day. I just finished a quick 3 mi jog in 27 min which is not too bad for me. And that's with stopping to talk to my friend Amanda, AND stopping for a CHICKEN...yes, a chicken. It ran out in front of me from someones yard and I didn't want to chase it into the road so I stopped until the dumb thing went back where it came from. Anyway, we look forward to sweating and getting tan in the sunshine. If you know of any free/cheap fun runs or 5K's to run for training, let us know!

1 comment:

  1. Lyndsey and Skyler!!!! Yo!!!
    I look forward to reading all about your blog!!

