Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yay, yay, yay, yay, yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!

So I got the call today, and....I made it into the nursing program! YAY! Applications were due on March 31st and I gathered (from those who've gotten in before me) that it would take just over 2 months to hear "yay" or "nay." I couldn't even stand to talk about it while waiting to hear because I would get such bad anxiety. LOL Well, it's been just over 2 months - guess they were right on the dot about that! The reason this is so exciting is because I applied through Intermountain Health Care/Salt Lake Community College (IHC - who I work for). It's a way for IHC employees to apply competitively instead of getting on a 2 year waiting list. They say that they get about 200 applicants every time and only let in about 40, so we feel very blessed. After all of the prayers and fasting I know that Heavenly Father has prepared us for any outcome, but this is the best we could have hoped for :) My work will be paying full tuition as well as partially covering books - This alone is a major blessing! Then once I graduate I will have a 2 year work agreement with them. I just wanted to share the exciting news with everybody and can't wait to get started this fall...YAAAAYYYY!


  1. Congratulations Lyndsey! I am so stinkin excited for you! You and Skyler both deserve this! But, especially you! You have worked so hard!!! OH, I am so PROUD of you!

  2. Yay!!!!!! I got your text last night and I was so happy. You will be such an awesome nurse, I'm just so stinkin happy for you!

  3. That's incredible news, congratulations!! You have worked beyond hard at school for so many years, you deserve this!!!! Bless you for becoming a nurse, I couldn't take all the bodily fluids...but I guess somebody has to. I guess this means you won't move back to AZ for a long time...we'll be thinking of you when it's snowy and cold up there but you won't mind because you'll be doing so great!

  4. Yea for you!! That is so awesome!!

    I'm excited to have someone to call and ask all my medical questions too :)

    Its not the same visiting AZ without you guys to hang out with! We miss you :)

  5. I would just like to say I was there for this call... it was awesome... congrats sis. I love you.
