Sunday, August 2, 2009

Laugh out loud

So our computer that has all our pics on it and the only one that we can transfer our camera's memory card to has crashed! This means that we haven't been able to download any new pics for a while. This led me to looking at what pics were on our other computer and I found some that were taken on my cousin Leslie's computer while we were all in Pennsylvania for my Grandpa Pinky's funeral. I laugh out loud every time I look through these. I don't know if this is because I was there and part of it or what. These are just a few (and I mean a few because we went until 5am doing this and ended up with almost 600 pics LOL) of my favorites. Hope you enjoy them at least a little:

This is one of my sis. Heidi I played around with and changed a little because I thought it was such a cool shot.

Here is one of me with a twisted look...

And then here is Heidi

Leslie started looking like Penelope with her hair like this and her nose taped up LOL

And then a few moments later she pulled off this Jay Leno look

This is one of those I laugh out loud at. Sometimes I look at these and am amazed at how distorted things were

Here are our crazy eye pics: Heidi


Here are all 4 of us (my cousin Josh, Heidi, Leslie, and me)

Big lips run in the family :D

This is about the most normal shot we took. There is no distortion - just a weird color to the pic...oh ya, and our makeovers!

Here is one my aunt Cyndi did. She and my aunt Aly were watching us and cracking up the whole time

This one kind of scares me

And this is one of my favorites of me


  1. Well I can say that I have laughed out loud looking at these too.... they're just plain awesome!

  2. Those are hilarious and frightening at the same time!!! I love it!
