Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas Vacation - A Brown Christmas

We were able to spend Christmas in Arizona this year - a whole 10 days! Mom and Dad Nelson were so good to us to let us stay at their house and eat their food and enjoy their company. Hanging out with the family was just what we needed. It was a great break.

The Saturday morning after we got to AZ was the Nelson breakfast. The weather was beautiful and the food was great. Afterward we went on a little family hike. It was a lot of fun.

Here's Brinley and Clarissa
I got to go over to Aubrie and Jacob's apartment to help watch little Linden while Aubrie cut hair.

Here is cute little Linden.

Hiking Bolder Creek near Canyon Lake


  1. Sure looks like a good time. Is your head surrounded by a toilet seat where it says "Just another pretty face"?


  2. Time to update... if I started my blog for you... you must write in your blog... ;) Loves. PS. come play with me. I think you and Skyler should come over for a cook night.
