The month of October was so full of fun that I haven't had a chance to post anything until now! (good excuse, huh?)
Now that Skyler's the Scout Master he gets to do all sorts of fun things, and I often get to come along. One of the traditional October activity in this ward is going to the corn maze. This year we went to Thanksgiving Point's Cornbelly's Corn Maze.
These are a few of Skyler's scouts - good kids.
They had a giant half bouncy ball thing that you could jump on. It was SO windy and freezing cold that it actually helped to warm us up to jump on it even though we had to take our shoes off. These are a couple of pictures I got of Skyler jumping. And these are the pictures that Skyler took of me. He did NOT plan this, but it's kind of creepy how well these pictures fit together.
This is Zack in the corn pile - it was like a sand pit only filled with corn and he LOVED it
And here we are with the Cinderella carriage. I'm blowing Skyler a kiss, and he's pretending to whip me... :)
These were my cute little Sunbeams. Towards the end of the year it gets really fun to teach them because they are older and more interactive. I had a really good group this year - couldn't have asked for a better one!
This is the Primary Halloween Party group photo
Skyler came with me and we both had to throw together a costume. He wore my dad's high school football jersey. We painted on some black streaks under the eyes and transformed him into a football player. I threw on some scrubs, a lab jacket, and a stethoscope. Then I wore my hospital I.D. and even though it says "Registrar" on it all of the kids kept asking me if I was a real doctor. If only that was all it took! LOL
For a girls night one weekend I got to go to Odyssey Dance Theater's Thriller. If you ever have the chance to see this I would definitely recommend it. It was so much fun!
Before the show actually begins they have 'zombies' roaming around the seating scaring people or just making them laugh. We got a few pictures with some of them.
This is my best friend Amanda and I with one of the zombies
And here is the whole group that went We even got around to carving a pumpkin this year. I think it turned out pretty well. Before Skyler and I were officially part of the activities committee we were just volunteers and we got to help with the Halloween party. We were in charge of what became the coolest ward party haunted house EVER. This left us only minutes to run home and change into our costumes. We were supposed to be Morticia and Gomez Adams, but all the kids thought I was a vampire and they weren't sure what Skyler was supposed to be :)
I tried my hand at making a Monster Cake. It sort of ended up looking like a frog, but if you look close you can see the teeth - that helps out a little I made some monster eyeball cupcakes to go along with it.
These are my "Feet of Meat" which was just meatloaf in the shape of feet and Brazilian nuts for toenails. Then at the ankle where the feet were 'cut' off was chili sauce. It made for a fun Halloween dinner.
My sister and her family came by Halloween night before they went out trick-or-treating.
Abby was a pumpkin and Alyssa was a witch.
Here's Abby trying on my wig. She that that was awesome. - And that was our Halloween fun!
I think Skyler looks more like Nacho Libre than Gomez Adams. But it looked like a good time none the less.