Monday, March 8, 2010

IT'S A GIRL!!!!.....AND A BOY!!!!

I'm so excited! My sister and her hubby Nick are having twins and just found out today that it's a girl and a boy. They have two adorable girls already and they probably didn't care about the boy/girl thing, but I was SO rootin' for a boy - and my wish came true! (I have to live vicariously through others until we can start having kids).
Here she is - Only 19 wks along Look at that beautiful belly!

1 comment:

  1. Don't say ONLY 19 weeks along... it makes the pregnancy feel never ending and me feel FAT!!! I didn't really care either way what we were having but now that I know I am so excited we are having a boy!!! It will be really different. We will have to give him a really strong man name to help him hold his own around all these girls!!! lol! Love you sissy.
